I miss posting! I miss my blog! I miss you guys! =~]

1 11 2011


haallaaaaaaaaaaah walllaaaaah (hughug)

guys ang guys’aat …  bloggereen and bloggeraaaat ….

missed each and everyone of you … =~] (tears) …

glad to inform you that am OFFICIALLY ..


 back yaa ba3ad chabditiii baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack … the old new me iz baq

هل من مرحب يا جماعه heheeeeeeeeee …

atmana il old bloggers are still alive …

kelwaa7ed egooliii yogaf bildoor w ysalem 3alay o yra7eb feeniii tar7eeeb 7aaaar

c u bil new upcomping posts, xoxox




… and they call it a “Free-Country”

21 12 2010

                                                                                             ……………. is it?

موديل غنم

21 05 2010

A number of my friends have been married over the past couple of years. I’ve been roped into doing a few weddings and recently I was a bit busy with one of my best friend wedding preparation (april-bride) in late April and I had the opportunity to supervise on everything for her wedding. Her father gave me the budget (an open-budget), and I was looking for a good quality materials/designs etc…. and ofcourse with a good reasonable price, I was shocked how things have changed over years .. the prices were a bit too high?, I must tell.. things in kuwait are “over”-priced. DJ, make-up, hair, design, blablabla…

1. Did u know that the minimum “BRIDE’S” Make-up is 250 KWD? and u have to pay a deposit and sign a contract ? laish?? benaya?!
2. The bride’s hair is at least 200 KWD!

4. The DJ guy 3abala mehna mat3ob 3alaiha, yetshara6 o it starts from 350?? o etha7ekni lama egol “taboon shi3ir hadeya?!” weelleee al3an menna si3ir il bait ghaaair o si3ir il findiq ghaaair… ya3neee bil findiq eb ye6la3lee il mu6reb min il sama3aaat mathalan ???? [ findiq reaches 850]
5. The whole restaurant thing is for … +6000 KWD?

I don’t understand the idea of paying at least 10,000 KWD (hatha ya3ni inta mo emsawi shay).. for one night?

Uh, and after all Zis and Zat … eyoooonek il ma3aZeeem “Waiiiiiiiiiih 3adi il3irs” … o etyeek ilnaw3eeya illi “Wai3 HalaGUH” … hatha ohwa modail il الغنم imkarram ilsaaami3, ily ma ya3jebhom il3ajab =]~

ya jema3a 3aib, khalas it’s 2010.. we have to change 3aad


CAUTION: the picture above is not photoshopped, yes OQSIM that it is real …

سر النجاح المصداقيه = ]

28 12 2009

lool this can’t be true, shloon ya3ni ilnas eb teg3ad etsami3laaha? wila shloon ilkhasim ra7 yeseer?

to those who don’t know what keratin is … google it =p

Logically speaking?

11 11 2009

I’ve noticed that the only way to show your appreciation to a woman is thru your words. o hal shay yan6abiQ o yanbathiQ 3azeezee il mustami3 3ala jameeee3 il maraa7el il 3omreyya =] li’anna il 7areeem magaSSa 😛 yadroon ena kalak-hindi, o ma3aa thaaalik yesadgoon??… ib themmaaatkom, law wa7da min ahalkom labsa sha7a6at GINA LOOL we3/khaatam taaQleeed/weelaa t-shirt I (L) Me/wela pyjamat sala7if il ninja, she wants to hear “ALLAAAAAAAAAAH TSHAWGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN” / ” yahyahyah zoooQaaaaa sayra m3a il thi333if” / “shaal zaaain shal zaaain?” .. hal 7achey yedaLdigh mashaa3er hal ka’ena il7ayyaa =]  If you didn’t show your appreciation to her, 3ayal ya 3azeezee il mushaaHid u’ll regret, lee’anha raa7 teg3ad taRhish taRhish eb n3aal GINA oo tloofe7 eb mokaanha o etlif etlif il khaatim chenha tlef burGheee… bas 3ashan tesma3 hal cham kelmat kalaK =] see? shofaw shlon e7na magassa? mo e7na, ohma =~] … ka’en 7aY aleeef o Qanoooo3, this brings the old-age question, why do men cheat?


Why do some people do something o ham yigoloon ena shay “maskhara” ? ya3ni mathalan, laish feey nemayin min il shabaab lama yekallim wa7da o yestanis ma3aahaa … yegol la yam3awwad haathey maskhara? , inzain oo inta 7athretek shino 3ayal?? inta foog ma inik maskhara, inta insan lazim enge66ek bil 6ib il nafsi … shfeeek shfeeek 7aajii??? feeek infisam? .. libnaya kalemtik eb eradat’ha o ehya meqtan3a ena ili tsaweeh 3adi, atleast, she’s not contradicting herself!


Why do we always see Philipeneeyaaat with American men?? especially il army lol,  “HINT: Green Card?” .. bas lil-amaaana?? aQwa combination shifta, an Indian guy ma3a Philipeeniya .. 3aash bu Raju 😉


11/11? ma yethakerkom eb shay 3atheeem? shay ghayar il bashariya o athaaf shay 7ag il 3alaam 😉 .. well, 11/11 yesadif awal yoom ana tinaffast feeeh =] ya3ni today is my birthday, yalla all wish me a happy birthday o yeeboli hadaya o med7ooni, o gololi u’r young and beautiful 3shan astanis



Random thoughts – Is it ok Part 1 –

3 11 2009


* Is it ok that el3eMoooM is using iPhone, Blackberry, any other sophisticated cell-phones, while am using THIS (look above) =~] … and to be honest? am lovin’ it 

* Is it ok  ithaa wigaft atanne7 3ala wanaait? o abdiii e3jaaabiii o 7ubbee li-tamaLLuk haathaa ilwanaait?=]  aw inni agool camaro il yedeed sar a7laa??? aw agool widdi yseer 3indey saikal?? while on the other hand, il baanaat yetan7oon only 3ala 6aQam almaaas? =/

* Is it ok that I HAAATEEEE to go to wedding parties, receptions, ay mokan min hal nemoona?? a7es eb theeeQ tanaffus 7aaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!! =]

* Is it ok if i’ve never tried to dye my hair? or even, 6eraa 3ala baali asbeGha walaw marra? =/

* Is it ok etha gelt 7ag ilwaalid allah 7afethaa, yuba abi arkab saikal? o ilwalid ya7gerne? =]

* Is it ok If I enjoy going to A2Z just to pass by garage il shuwaikh? =]

* Is it ok lai 3assabt itha a7ad yesoog bser3a ? bs ana 3adi lol

* Is it ok itha sarleey esbo3ain atghadda mn kababji? =~]

* Is it ok if I didn’t step into starbucks il3daileya?

* Is it ok itha terabba3t eb qanafat chillis?

* Is it ok itha la7eegni wa7ed o akher shay ye6la3 weld yeraanna?

* Is it ok itha khadamatna 3indaahaa mobile akshakh min mobiley? lol wAllah elaaa asawerlikom eyyaaaaaaaaaah

* Is it ok itha 3elaaQty jiddan sa67eya bil mekyaj wil adawat il tajmeeleeya madri shisimha =[

* Is it ok ithaa khadamatna il thanya kel yoom wa7ed eyeelaha o tgol hatha okhooy? cham okho bilthab6?

* Is it ok if i just knew that “Balenciaga” is marka? 3abaali jan6a mn NEXT aw BHS hahaha =]

* Is it ok if i go now? hahahaha

Note: whoever might get me wrong, tara am a girl, a 100% female, with a long hair, soft voice and in a pretty good shape.

wa shokran =~]

imwafeggeeeeeen nadi il Kuwait inshaallaah naQlib baab il7aaraa =] 


2 11 2009


LUSH! Did enyone heard of it?, It is located in Salmiya-Plaza bil serdaaaab, worth the visit =]

I bought 1 Karma soap reeeeeee7at’ha MO SIJ =~~~] … o adri shakelha mo thaak ilzod, bas tara aham shay il akhlaaq =~]


and 1 “Each Peach” , something that melts in your hands ooo yseer chenna cream … ye7asisiiich enech netheefa bedon ma tetsabe77aaain :] .. sij shakelha ma yesaa3id o chenha sabonat Zist, bas tara ye6la3 minhhaa 😉


bil nehaya, ahdeeekom Beautiful by Eminem

بشـــــرى للخــــوال

16 06 2009

كنت أشاهد التلفاز و أتابع (لتل مرميد) مع الزعاطيط من أبناء أخوالي و خالاتي و سرحت فجأه و قلت

” ليــــــــــــــــش ماكو أميره خاله؟!؟”

جان أشقح القنفه و أتي باللاب توب و بحثت في القضيه عن السبب وكانت النتيجه كالتالي


أبشروا يا بنات .. انها قيد التطوير

محمد عبدالقادر الجاسم

20 04 2009


في المحاماة والقانون

ليسانس حقوق وشريعة
ماجستير القانون العام
يعمل في المحاماة منذ عام 1978
نائب رئيس اتحاد طلبة الكويت 1976 – 1977
ترأس جمعية القانون في كلية الحقوق والشريعة في جامعة الكويت 1976 – 1977
شارك في مراقبة محاكمات سياسية نيابة عن منظمات حقوق الإنسان
كتب العديد من المقالات والأبحاث والدراسات وشارك في ندوات محلية وإقليمية ودولية


“الكويت..مثلث الديمقراطية” (الطبعة الأولي 1992) (الطبعة الثانية 2007)
“البحرين..قصة الصراع السياسي” (بالاشتراك مع الكاتبة سوسن الشاعر) (الطبعة الأولى 2000)
“آخر شيوخ الهيبة” (ثلاث طبعات 2006 و2007)
“الانحراف الرقابي وموقف القضاء الدستوري الكويتي” (الطبعة الأولى 2007)
“شيوخنا الأعزاء” (الطبعة الأولى 2007)
“روح الدستور.. مدخل إلى فكرة الدولة والقانون.. نظرية التوازن.. الجزء الأول” (الطبعة الأولى 2007)

في الصحافة:

المحرر المسؤول عن نشرة الإصلاح العربي باللغة العربية 2004 – 2005
المحرر المسؤول عن مجلة السياسة الخارجية باللغة العربية 2003 – 2005
رئيس تحرير مجلة نيوزويك باللغة العربية 2000 – 2005
رئيس تحرير مجلة مرآة الأمة 1997 – 2005
رئيس تحرير مجلة سمرة 1997 – 2005
رئيس تحرير جريدة الوطن اليومية 1997 – 2005
نائب رئيس تحرير جريدة الوطن 1994 – 1997

source: http://www.aljasem.org/default.asp?opt=10

i deen a wen boj

16 04 2009



why can’t we wear jeans or casual?! ya3niii taqyeem ilsharika metwaQif 3ala libs il-muwathaf? yaaHHHH!

why can’t we have a closed-door offices? ya3ni shloon ilwa7ed yaabii yenam mathaalan?! moo 7aachyy ya jema3aa

why can’t we take long breaks? ya3niii ballla 10mins shasawi feeha??? shino 10mins!? taboonna enmoot?? aQisss eb akley mathalaaan?

why do we get warning letters for late attendence? saabaab il7awaadiiith il awwal ohwa late attendence ilmaleeq, yekhaleenna indoos o ham maa nowsal ontime =/?!?


Qala6 Qala6 taaraa! ya3ni il back-office staff maalhom sheqqil bil front-office faaa lazim ye7e6ooNlina qawaneen ghaair =[ .. you think in that way the emploee’s work-performance will do good mathalan? ofcourse نو

HR ppl, wallah give some recommendations to your manager, do something, don’t stick to the old-policies .. do something for your staff, you know that hardworkers are the company’s greatest asset? EE

mathalan regardings working-hrs, mathalaaan you work 8hrs 7eeloww? mo shar6 u arrive at 8:00AM .. ta3al ay waagt bss stay 8 hrs .. shfeeha y3ne shfeeha etha saar il mawtho3 sahel? yaa3ni e7na kbaaar, o etha shift inna il mowathaf yel3aab eb-thaila, faNGirooooooooooooh

أني واي..I’m looking for a new job, aaaaaaaaaaaaaany recommendations???????

wa shokran

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